Contact Information

Letališka cesta 35
Ljubljana 1000
Phone: + 386 1 439 60 50

Basic Info

Founded in: 1993

Founded in: 1993

Slovenian Advertising Association (SOZ) - Golden Drum

Letališka cesta 35
Ljubljana 1000
Phone: + 386 1 439 60 50

The Craft Drum Jury

We are happy to introduce the Craft Drum Jury. It will be led by Ashwini Deshpande, Co-Founder Director, Elephant Design, India.

Joining her in evaluating the works that contain key segments of the advertising and communication production process, are 12 more jury members:

  • Ilia Anufrienko, Founder and Creative Director, Bickerstaff.853, Ukraine
  • Claudia Hofmeister, Founder, Owner and Executive Producer, Muellers Bureau, Austria
  • Carla Leveratto, Head of Creative Works, Google, Italy
  • Gabriel Mauron, Chief Creative Officer, Havas, Switzerland
  • Piotr Osiński, Regional Creative Director, VMLY&R Poland
  • Marie Poumeyrol, Associate Creative Director, Publicis Italy
  • Goran Radinović, Creative Director, Art Director and Founder, Aritmija advertising agency, Slovenia
  • Viktorija Rumiancevaite, Head of Art and Design, Not Perfect Vilnius, Lithuania
  • Michał Sęk, Executive Creative Director and Partner, 180heartbeats + Jung von Matt, Poland
  • Mari Sukhishvili, Executive Creative Director, Windfor's, Georgia
  • Juan Pablo Valencia, Regional Creative Advisor, FCB Artgroup, Turkey, Iran, Caucasus and Central Asia
  • Andrea Toth, Chief Creative Officer, Kastner Budapest, Hungary.

“The cultural diversity in our world is overwhelming and yet, exciting. It is amazing to see people solve a challenge with creativity and empathy that sprouts from their own culture. I always believe a truly outstanding piece is born out of the greatest cultural insights. A winning piece should not only tick all the boxes of creativity, craft & impact but also must move people emotionally. I am so humbled and honored to receive the invitation to be the President of the Craft Jury at the Golden Drum Festival of Creativity. In this age of AI-driven craft, I can’t wait to see how the creative community is pushing the boundaries this year,” said the president of Craft Jury, Ashwini Deshpande, Co-Founder Director, Elephant Design, India.