Innovation Is Essential: Anar Shah, Laundry Service + Cycle

by India Fizer , AdForum

Laundry Service
Full Service
Brooklyn, United States
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Anar Shah
Global Head of Media Laundry Service + Cycle

As digital media rapidly evolves, it's imperative for brands to find creative ways to engage with consumers. Anar ShahGlobal Head of Media at Laundry Service + Cycle, weighs in on studying the user journey and understanding which engagement opportunities are the right move to ensure a meaningful presence.


The rise of social media platforms has made them key to brand recognition. In what ways does your agency utilize social media to inform/engage your audience and how do you see that evolving?

From organic engagement to leveraging paid tactics, our team is using social media platforms to reach our audiences across all funnel stages to hit key marketing goals for our clients.

This is a constant focus for us, as social media channels continue to stay an essential component of the media mix for most verticals. Due to its significant growth, advanced capabilities and offerings that have hooked generations of all ages, it's critical for brands to ensure a meaningful presence.

It’s important to have focus for our continued evolution. In 2022, prioritize social media channels across two kinds of consumption behaviors…

  • Shopping: Social commerce has become a big priority – especially on platforms such as Instagram. Purchase and discovery of new brands/products through this platform has become second nature to most millennials/GenZ audiences. Companies that have developed strong DTC strategies have seen strong growth in their ecommerce channels, especially post-pandemic as retail foot traffic has decreased. We aim to optimize around this trend and support strong Ecommerce growth.
  • Entertainment: The usage and growth of TikTok has completely transformed how users are consuming social media in the last couple of years. We aim to use this platform to bring engaging experiences through entertaining/relevant content to our audiences – especially across the awareness stage of the funnel.

The eMarketer 2022 US social media usage report says that close to three-quarters of US internet users will be social network users in 2022 – and among 18- to 44-year-olds, the monthly usage rate will already be at 90% or above this year. We’re changing our approach with these changing populations.


How has the pandemic affected the way consumers use social media and which platform is the most relevant to your agency?

As most people stayed at home for weeks – if not months or years – during the pandemic, social media usage increased significantly during this timeframe. People are spending less time posting and more time scrolling, which means more opportunities for brands to interact with them in their experiences.

They want voices to be real, they can relate to, and they can understand. Ensuring brands can fit in, using a similar tone, helps them feel more at home.

Instagram and Tik Tok continue to be at the top of the list from a relevance standpoint. The platforms not only hit key demographics at efficient costs but also offer creative ways to engage audiences.

The pandemic has affected GenZ the most of all, as they spend the most time online finding inspiration and building connections. Between Instagram and Tik Tok, you can reach a significant percentage of the users of this generation, a priority audience for most brands.


To what degree does the innovative use of media by agencies and companies shape the way new media evolves? (eg: interactive campaigns)

User behavior is shifting at a very fast pace, from attention spans to how people use platforms. It’s imperative, now more than ever, for agencies and brands not only to stay relevant culturally from a content and messaging standpoint, but also to build media campaigns that are engaging and worth their time.

New, interactive media units are coming into the market more often than ever as competition amongst the platforms increases to grab the same share of the usage. While innovation is essential, not every unit is as impactful or cost efficient. So as media experts we must stay on our toes to ensure we understand the nuances of these offerings; to determine the right tactics to meet the business goals. Having an ongoing test and learn approach has worked for us to build successful campaigns as we stay on top of our innovation game.


How do you utilize data analytics to create more engaging campaigns?

In the current media savvy world, where data is available in abundance, we know how to optimize it and create the right environment and experience for our users.

Studying the user journey, how the user uses the platforms – how they interact with ads or interact within the website – we work to improve media buys and create more engaging campaigns. Applying data and insights from platforms, often in analytics tools such as Google Analytics 360, Adobe/Omniture, etc. We look at the full performance of any campaign to understand the big picture and make optimization decisions to evolve and improve our performance.


What contemporary forms of new media are you planning on using to reach audiences?

Video creatives have been a vital mode of engaging users across the awareness stage of the funnel, and it's continuing to grow and evolve. Lead forms are another popular media unit that has gained a lot of traction for brands and marketers for the consideration stage. With all the privacy guardrails and changes in data usage, first party data has become more and more important for brands and marketers and leveraging lead forms has been beneficial to do so at efficient costs and at a faster rate. And some creative units offer the marriage of both video and lead forms to blend the two stages of the funnel at once, driving further efficiencies and engaging users.

We are also testing AR/VR filters to demonstrate product/variations to our users, Live shopping units, conversational units based on the vertical and user engagement we are seeking. Strategic innovation of channels, driven by data-driven consumer insights, has yielded possibilities that make our work that much more exciting and creative.